1. A series of database deltas
2. A Database on each developer machine, and on each of the CI environments
3. The deltas to be applied in order and only once
4. Each database to have a list of applied deltas
5. I wanted the database versioning to be part of CI
These goals were fairly straightforward, and I did not see the need to write code to achieve this. At the suggestion of a colleague, I looked at DBDeploy.
This seemed to provide the features I wanted and is pretty trivial to set up, as described here. However there were a few complications, primarily due to Maven and MySQL.
1. DBDeploy has an Ant target, but no maven plugin. I therefore used the Maven Antrun plugin to call the DBDeploy Ant target
2. MySql has no differentiation between end of statement and end of block. This can be a problem when scripting procedures. The work-around is to use a different delimiter. In my delta scripts I use #.
Unfortunately (for me) however DBDeploy works by concatenating all deltas into one script and adding it's own versioning statements at either end. These statements are hard coded to use a semi-colon delimiter.
In order to be able to use a different delimiter, it was therefore necessary to do some post processing on the file. Since I was already using the Antrun plugin and ant has some good targets for this kind of thing, I used the Ant replace and replaceregex Ant targets to do this.
3. In order to run the script as part of CI, I used the sql-maven-plugin and changed the delimiter to #
The plugin configuration was as follows:
<taskdef name="dbdeploy" classname="net.sf.dbdeploy.AntTarget"/>
<taskdef name="ReplaceRegExp" classname="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.ReplaceRegExp"/>
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/target/db"/>
<replace dir="${basedir}/target/" token="COMMIT;" value="COMMIT#">
<include name="**/*.sql"/>
<replaceregexp byline="true">
<regexp pattern=" changelog(.*);"/>
<substitution expression=" changelog\1#"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}/target/">
<include name="**/*.sql"/>
<replace dir="${basedir}/target/" token="@DBNAME@" value="${db.name}">
<include name="**/*.sql"/>
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