I have embedded the slides from the talk below.
The code associated with these slides can be downloaded from cuke4ninja.com. Unpack the zip, the project is in the java/WebNinja directory.
There was quite a bit of discussion after the talk. Most centered around the usefulness of implementing cucumber features after development. The general feeling seemed to be that this was not an ideal situation, since one of the primary benefits of using cucumber is the collaboration it enables between all members of the team.
There were also questions regarding where responsibility lay for different parts of the code. Should the developers write all the code, should the test team have some input? My view is, that like many team organisation issues, it depends on the people involved. Maybe you have testers who would relish doing some ruby code!
I was also asked to show cucumber giving pdf output. This didn't work at the time, because I hadn't installed the prawn gem, and since the pub beckoned I said I would post instructions later. Anyway, you need to install the prawn gem to get the pdf output, like so...
gem install prawn
.. or if you are using maven
<gem>install prawn</gem
You will also need to use the
-Dcucumber.installGems=truecommand line parameter the first time you run with maven.
Then when you run the tests use the -f[ormat] option to output to pdf, and specify the pdf file name.
--format pdf --out target/cucumber/result.pdf
These arguments can be configured in the pom file if you are using maven.
Thanks again to everyone who attended and to Skillsmatter for hosting the talk